CAN it, Sister!

“I can’t.”

“I just can’t.”

“I can’t find any clothes!”

“I can’t ever find time for me.”

“I just can’t shed these extra pounds.”

“I’d love to do a shoot but I can’t afford it.”

“I can’t possibly relax when I’m being photographed.”

“I can’t imagine what I would do with sexy photos of myself.”

Well lookie there! A pyramid of can’t in the pale website! See what I did there? It was a reference to Alan Jackson’s Chattahoochee song. I’m not saying it was a good one.

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The Pattern of You

Pattern is an excellent word. It’s one of my favorites actually.

~a regular and intelligible form or sequence discernible in certain actions or situations.


To me, it feels safe and beautiful. It sounds soft yet remarkable. It cues up memories of a childhood so new, it was wordless. “Patterns” I would learn later, was how I made sense of myself and my world.

The aim of this post is to talk to you about bodyscapes. This is a type of image that uses shadow and light to capture crisp curves and etched structure, long lines and soft dimples, polished scars and baby fine hairs that stand at attention ready to receive the lightest stroke and encourage the body to rise and meet it. and_wm-2

Telling the body’s story with images almost always evokes powerful emotion. It connects, it guides and it always belongs. It’s the pattern of you.

Let us help you tell your body’s story.