Dear Santa..

Copy this note. Paste it EVERYWHERE. (Don’t even pretend like you don’t deserve it or think that it’s not the right time) You’re on the Naughty list and that’s exactly where you should be!


Oh, and do we ever! How’s this sound?

We immediately connect you with our Concierge, Jessica Kufel. She will familiarize you with the process and walk you through our gorgeous downtown studio. Together you will plan your session. The options are seemingly endless yet, not at all overwhelming when coming from her!

When you arrive for your session, you are a Queen! A friendly attentive team will play the music you love, lay out your outfits and all accessories, keep a sparkling beverage in your hand at all times, apply delicate pigments to your face and wind your locks into bouncing silky waves!

You dress. We are in awe. With the transformation complete, you are ushered into the first shooting space that your photographer and her assistant have arranged just for you. Ask any client that has shot with us ever, any remaining nerves are checked here! This is the magic.


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