The Invisible Woman

It’s only a matter of time. I actually fear it.

The day that I walk into a room and no one takes notice.

I am a woman who doesn’t mind being looked at. I wear my emotions, ideals, convictions and intentions on my tattooed sleeves…and statement necklaces, ripped jeans, scarves, dangly earrings, big hats and high heeled boots.

People notice me and I like that. But maybe one day I will disappear…

It’s probably me.

It’s possible that I will tire of coming up with new and interesting ways to decorate myself. Maybe the age in my face will prevent me from wanting to draw attention to it with make-up. Perhaps my body will take such a rapid nose dive that the confident woman I am today will turn into an insecure hermit in one week’s time.

Fade /fād/ verb- the process of becoming less bright

The thought of losing color and brightness actually terrifies me. Picturing my closet full of bold colors and loud prints slowly being replaced with plain, pastel cotton knits that sag from my neck and waistband in exactly the same way they do on the plastic hangers makes me shudder.

Faded hair, faded skin, faded clothes…But why? Are we actually ashamed of what our bodies are anatomically designed to do in the second half of our lives? Is it a cultural leftover? One that  states that once a woman is past childbearing age, she should just blow away useless on a breeze? Here’s my personal favorite. We often stand in judgement of other women. Then, we are totally shocked when that same language rings in our own ears. “She’s dressing too young.” “She’s trying too hard.” “Her poor husband must be so embarrassed!”

No No No No NO!8982068ecd30085eb2667e723f1ee8e3

I will NOT quietly fade away. In FACT, THIS image is hanging beside my closet! I WILL wear animal print and chartreuse hats and leggings and ….I’ll have 107 wigs and sunglasses in odd shapes and I’ll walk around town with a whole pineapple just because. My shoes will be magnificent too. Maybe I’ll wear Chucks with an old wedding gown. I’m OLD! No one is going to say anything and even if they do, it will be something like “Wow, look at that amazing ol broad!” #oldladygoals

Black Label Sessions

We don’t have to get old to feel faded. There are lot’s of women that feel invisible for a million different reasons. Andi and I went to work to create a top-shelf session, brilliant with color designed to “reclaim, replenish and reignite…” Meet The Black Label Session.

Think about those words for a moment.

Reclaim- Has a part of you started to fade away? Your style or unique identity? We have you covered. Personal shopping with a master stylist is something we offer and Parlor chats are always on the house if talking it out with a friend is what you need.
Replenish- Are you so busy being in service to others that you continually let your own needs fall off the priority list? At Hot Tomato, self care is number one. We are a group of women that will show you how to prioritize yourself in 100 different ways!
Reignite- Passion. How much of that are you swimming in lately? Let’s get that spark glowing red again! Have you recently become inspired to political activism? Dying to finally write that novel? Ready to climb to the top of the corporate ladder? Longing for regular, red-hot romps with your lover? Let us help light your fire.

join us.

Are you ready to give yourself permission to reclaim, replenish and reignite with a Black Label Session? There are so many ways to make that happen. Please take a moment to select the session options that suit you best on this Contact Form and a crew member will be in touch right away.

September 2016 HOT LIST

First off, you might be saying to yourself “Where the heck was the August Hot List?”

That’s a totally legitimate question. The answer is this: I was in Aruba.

Now, the idea was proposed that I do an Aruba Hot List while I was down there but I was much to busy on the PIRATE SHIP, at THE SPA, dining at MY FAVORITE FIVE STAR RESTAURANT , lounging on my private dock at THE BEST PLACE TO STAY ON THE ISLAND, hiking to the NATURAL POOL and jumping out of a PERFECTLY GOOD AIRPLANE!!

Yeah, do all those things.

OK! Onto September! The mornings are cool, the sun is golden, the kids are in school…Let’s see what’s HOT!


A Cheers of sorts, it just doesn’t get more “everybody knows your name” than the Sixpence Pub & Eatery! From organizing cruise-ins and poker runs benefiting the community to offering a great line-up of local music, this place is always filled with good vibes!

Meet Becky Goings! She’s the featured artist at the Sixpence on September 28th

With a full bar, traditional pub food and a happy and attentive staff, you can bet on seeing Hot Tomatoes there on the regular…ESPECIALLY on Wednesday night! Open Mic with Woody Hupp never disappoints! He regularly features some of my very favorite musicians like Chris Hogsett and Nick Hunter, Becky Goings, Smokestack Betty, Lydia Hyde and so many more.

We look forward to seeing you there!!


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